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Kamis, 15 Mei 2008

What happen to our Mother Nature

Weather become unpredictable ...
Temperature are decrease very quick
The Ice of north and south pole are melted
Water touch the land for higher
The Wind become wilder as the day gone by

Is it the sign of the end ...?

I don't think so
I really sure that those are just the beginning
Hope for the best not the worst
Do you realize that our Mother Nature are changed?
I'm sure U are ...
But do you feel that it changed TOO QUICK ...?

Sometimes when we went to big city these are what we're see:
Sky-Crawler Building ...
'The Dark Smoke' from the mufflers
Pollutions are harmed our sky
and ...
If you life on the middle in the big city
Congratulations you breath with CO2, C2OH,etc not an O2

GOD made Earth with it's perfection
Why should we take it ?
Why should we harmed it ?
Why should we destroy it ?
Why should we mess it ?

Why don't we Protect it ?
Why don't we conserve it ?
Why don't we recycle it ?
Why don't we save it ?

Would you just keep those answer in your mind ...
And judge your self which group you're belongs to

hope that we're stop destroying our lovely world ...


Zero Point Energy

In a quantum mechanical system such as the particle in a box or thequantum harmonic oscillator, the lowest possible energy is called thezero-point energy. According to classical physics, the kinetic energyof a particle in a box or the kinetic energy of the harmonic oscillatormay be zero if the velocity is zero. Quantum mechanics with itsuncertainty principle implies that if the velocity is measured withcertainty to be exactly zero, the uncertainty of the position must beinfinite. This either violates the condition that the particle remainin the box, or it brings a new potential energy in the case of theharmonic oscillator. To avoid this paradox, quantum mechanics dictatesthat the minimal velocity is never equal to zero, and hence the minimalenergy is never equal to zero.

Does electromagnetic zero-point energy exist, and if so, arethere any practical applications and does it have any connection withdark energy? The theoretical basis for electromagnetic zero-pointenergy is clear.

According to Sciama (1991):

    Even in its ground state, a quantum system possesses fluctuations and an associated zero-point energy, since otherwise the uncertainty principle would be violated. In particular the vacuum state of a quantum field has these properties. For example, the electric and magnetic fields in the electromagnetic vacuum are fluctuating quantities.

The Casimir Effect is an example of a one-loop effect in quantum electrodynamics that can be simply explained by the zero-point energy. It is precisely localizable differences in the zero-point energy that may prove to be of some practical use and that may be the basis of dark energy phenomena. Moreover it has also been found that asymmetries in the zero-point field that appear upon acceleration may be associated with certain properties of inertia, gravitation and the principle of equivalence Haisch, Rueda and Puthoff (1994); Rueda and Haisch (1998); Rueda and Haisch (2005)


Lastly, insights may be offered on certain quantum properties (Compton wavelength, de Broglie wavelength, spin) and on mass-energy equivalence (E=mc2) if it proves to be the case that zero-point fluctuations interact with matter in a phenomenon identified by Erwin Schrödinger known as zitterbewegung (Haisch and Rueda 2000; Haisch, Rueda and Dobyns 2001; Nickisch and Mollere 2002).

As intriguing as these latter possibilities are, the first order of business is to unambiguously detect and measure zero-point energy. While a Casimir experiment such as that of Forward (1984) can in principle measure energy that may be attributed to the existence of real zero-point energy, there are alternative explanations involving source-source quantum interactions in place of real zero-point energy (see Milonni 1994). To move beyond this ambiguity of interpretation experiments that will test for the reality of measurable zero-point energy will need to be devised.

Cultural References

In the Justice League Episode, 'Hereafter', Vandal Savage had taken over the world and invented a Zero Point Generator in the boredom of immortality which was used to power a time machine to transport Superman back to the present.

In the movie 'The Incredibles', the villain Syndrome uses a ray that can immobilize an opponent, suspending him in mid-air. Director Brad Bird, speaking in a DVD commentary, says that in searching for a name for the device (or at least a better one than "the Immobi-ray"), he came across and used a reference to "zero-point energy", which Syndrome himself uses to describe his weapon. (Of course, this is simply a cool name rather than a practical application at this time!)

In the computer game Half-Life 2, one of the weapons used by the player is the "Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator", better known by its nickname the "Gravity Gun". It allows the user to pick up and launch any medium-sized objects, and was used to market the game's detailed physics engine.

The television show Stargate SG-1 and the spinoff, Stargate Atlantis also makes references to zero-point energy in the form of Zero Point Modules or ZPMs. These ZPMs extract energy from small artificially-created subspaces are used to power the technology of the Ancients, such as the energy shield which protects the city of Atlantis and powering the Stargate with sufficient power to allow travel to the Pegasus Galaxy. The Ancients also attempted to extract zero-point energy directly from their own universe in Project Arcturus.

Another television series called ZERO.POINT is in development that centers around the machinations of a quantum physicist searching for zero-point energy technology and a drifter who wanders in perfect synchronicity.

In Marvel Comic's "Ultimate Secret" issue one, the disguised Captain Mahr-vell has helped humans develop a star drive based on ZPE. He offhandedly remarks that quantum wave fluctuations were discovered to cause inertia, which is the SED Hypothesis (covered here).

In the second season of the television series 'Alias', Sydney Bristow is tasked to retrieve a music box that supposedly contains a formula for zero-point energy.

In '3001: The Final Odyssey,' by Arthur C. Clarke humanity is tapping zero point energy (or vacuum energy as it's called in the book). Human astronomers observed an explosion of a far-away star, and on further investigation found that the detonation started at one of the planets which destabilized the star itself. This event gives the characters nightmares, as it was assumed that some alien race was using zero-point energy and lost control.

ZPE is also a potential energy source of interest to independent researchers outside of mainstream research entities, such as the late Eugene Mallove, and figures into discussions on radio programs such as Coast to Coast AM.

Reference: Wikipedia


Clairvoyance is the art of 'seeing' beyond the five senses.Clairvoyance is often called the 'sixth sense' or esp. It is related tothe images that are always present in our minds that bring messagesfrom other frequency and realms. These images can be archetypes,colors, still frame, animations. They can be anything. They can remainon a few seconds or much longer. Initially its easiest to see them withyour eyes closed. As you develop your psychic abilities will be able tolook to higher frequency, with your eyes opened.

Rules to developing and trusting your increasing abilities.

  • Heal your issues and thus you will want to heal others
  • Create balance in your emotional and spiritual bodies or your messages will be as jumbled as your thinking
  • Your frequency will automatically raise and you will receive images
  • Experience, test and explore what is shown to you
  • The truth about reality will be given - your mission feeling here

In clairvoyance we 'see' with what is commonly called the third eye.In the human brain there is a gland called the pineal gland. It islocated in the back area of the brain almost in the center of the head.This gland has degenerated from its original size comparable to a pingpong ball to its present size comparable to a pea, because we forgothow to use it a long time ago when our breathing patterns changed.

With our reality grid raising planetary frequency, people working outthere issues, developing psychic abilities becomes easier in time. Thisis the Master Plan to awaken sleeping consciousness.

Some people become clairvoyant after a Near Death Experience, an alleged alien abduction, serious illness or accident, such as a blow to the head area, or opening the kundalini energies.

Some people use chemical stimulants or Psychedelicsto heighten their awareness. This is something I do not advise as theinformation may not be accurate and physical side effects may occurlater on.

Clairvoyance connects to the rightside of the brain - the feminine, creative, and intuitive aspects. Thatexplains the reason some people feel physical sensations in on the leftside of their body. The energy enters in through the left side of yourbody so as to activate the right side of your brain.

Children can display psychic abilities leading parents to believe they are Indigo or Crystal Children.

Opening your clairvoyant gifts has to do with DNA activation of yourencoded cellular memories, activation of your chakras, raising yourfrequency, balancing your energy bodies, your self esteem, the abilityto trust in what you 'hear' and 'see', your emotional state, andexpanding your knowledge base in all areas of physical reality.

You can't do a reading for read someone on a subject, or understandsymbols on a specific subject, if you have no knowledge of thatsubject. The brain will have no way of interpreting the archetypalsymbolism into something you can understand. You can explain what yousee, but we meaning must accompany imagery.

Once you have opened your clairvoyant gifts, it is like any otherexercise ... it gets easier and easier. Meditation and yoga help.

Forcenturies the gift of clairvoyance was forbidden and hidden in crypticmessages that few could interpret. People, and religious leaders fearedthe power of the gifted and the truth these people would bring to anenlightened consciousness.

Humanity hasreturned to an age of enlightenment in which we are all activating orDNA codes to discover who we are and why we are here. Clairvoyance ispart of our total experience, the spiraling evolution of consciousnessthrough the alchemy of time.

Clairvoyance- a noun from late 17th century French [clair (clear) & voyant(seeing)] - is defined as a form of extra-sensory perception whereas aperson perceives distant objects, persons, or events, includingperceiving an image hidden behind opaque objects and the detection oftypes of energy not normally perceptible to humans (i.e. radio waves).Typically, such perception is reported in visual terms, but may alsoinclude auditory impressions (sometimes called clairaudience) orkinesthetic impressions.

The term clairvoyanceis often used broadly to refer to all forms of ESP where a personreceives information through means other than those explainable bycurrent science. Perhaps more often, it is used more narrowly to referto reception of present-time information not from another person, therebeing other terms to refer to other forms: telepathy referring toreception of information from another person (i.e. presumablymind-to-mind); premonition and precognition that refer to gainedinformation about places and events in the future. The termsclairsentience and remote perception are often used in reference to psiphenomena falling under this broader context.

Aswith all psi phenomena, there is wide disagreement and controversywithin the sciences and even within parapsychology as to the existenceof clairvoyance and the validity or interpretation of clairvoyancerelated experiments.

Clairvoyance through history

Therehave been anecdotal reports of clairvoyance and claims of clairvoyantabilities on the part of some throughout history in most cultures. Mostof these episodes are experienced during young adulthood. Often thesehave been associated with religious figures, offices, and practices.For example, ancient Hindu religious texts list clairvoyance as one ofthe siddhis, skills that can be acquired through appropriate meditationand personal discipline. But a large number of anecdotal accounts ofclairvoyance are of the spontaneous variety among the general populace.For example, many people report instances of "knowing" in one form oranother when a loved one has died or was in danger before receivingnotification through normal channels that such events have taken place.Similar presentiments that are not eventually fulfilled are soonforgotten, however. While anecdotal accounts do not provide scientificproof of clairvoyance, such common experiences continue to motivateresearch into such phenomena.

Clairvoyance wasone of the phenomena reported to have been observed in the behavior ofsomnambulists, people who were mesmerized and in a trance state(nowadays equated with hypnosis by most people) in the time of FranzAnton Mesmer. The earliest recorded report of somnambulisticclairvoyance is credited to the Marquis de Puységur, a follower ofMesmer, who in 1784 was treating a local dull-witted peasant namedVictor Race. During treatment, Victor reportedly would go into tranceand undergo a personality change, becoming fluent and articulate, andgiving diagnosis and prescription for his own disease as well as thoseof other patients, and forgetting everything when he came out of thetrance state. All this is in a manner reminiscent of the reportedbehaviors of the 20th century medical clairvoyant and psychic EdgarCayce. It is reported that although Puységur used the term'clairvoyance', he did not attribute any of this to the paranormalsince he accepted mesmerism as one of the natural sciences.

Clairvoyancewas in times following a reported ability of some mediums during thespiritualist period of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and wasone of the aspects studied by members of the Society for PsychicalResearch (SPR). Psychics of many descriptions have claimed clairvoyantability up to the present day.

Whileexperimental research into clairvoyance began with SPR researchers,experimental studies became more systematic with the efforts of J. B.Rhine and his associates at Duke University, and such research effortscontinue to the present day. Perhaps the best-known study ofclairvoyance in recent times was the US government-funded remoteviewing project at SRI/SAIC during the 1970s through the mid-1990s.

Resultsof some parapsychological studies, such as the remote viewing studies,suggest that clairvoyance does not exist - the original "remoteviewing" study was discontinued by the Stanford Research Institute dueto lack of evidence. However there are as yet no satisfactoryexperiments designed that cleanly separate the various manifestationsof ESP. Some parapsychologists have proposed that our differentfunctional labels (clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition) all refer toone basic underlying mechanism, although there is not yet anysatisfactory theory for what that mechanism would be.

Clairvoyanceas a term has its origins from the French word claire, which means"clear", and voyance, "seeing". It literally means 'clear seeing' inFrench.

There is ongoing criticism and debate of all these results in the literature.

Developing clairvoyant abilities

Currentthinking in clairvoyant circles posits that most are born withclairvoyant abilities but then start to turn them off as children arebrought up to adhere to demonstrable social norms. Numerous institutesoffer training courses that attempt to revive the abilities present inthose early years.

Another school of thoughtclaims that our "sixth sense" grows when we do spiritual practice. Withregular spiritual practice done according to basic spiritual principleswe increase our spiritual level and are able to perceive and experiencethe subtle world to greater degrees.

Clairvoyance Wikipedia

Magneticosphere - Earth's Magnetic Field

Earth's magnetic field (and the surface magnetic field) isapproximately a magnetic dipole, with one pole near the north pole andthe other near the geographic south pole. An imaginary line joining themagnetic poles would be inclined by approximately 11.3° from theplanet's axis of rotation. The cause of the field is probably explainedby dynamo theory. The magnetic field extends several tens of thousandsof kilometers into space as the magnetosphere.

Magnetic poles

Magnetic declination from true north in 2000.The locations ofthe magnetic poles are not static but wander as much as 15km every year(Dr. David P. Stern, emeritus Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA). Thepole position is usually not that indicated on many charts and manymagnetic pole marking brings a confusion as to what is being located atthe given positions.

The Geomagnetic Pole positions are usually not close to the positionthat commercial cartographers place "Magnetic Poles." "GeomagneticDipole Poles", "IGRF Model Dip Poles", and "Magnetic Dip Poles" arevariously used to denote the magnetic poles.

The Earth's field is changing in size and position. The two poleswander independently of each other and are not at directly oppositepositions on the globe. Currently the south magnetic pole is fartherfrom the geographic south pole than the north magnetic pole is from thenorth geographic pole.

Field characteristics

The field is similar to that of a bar magnet, but thissimilarity is superficial. The magnetic field of a bar magnet, or anyother type of permanent magnet, is created by the coordinated motionsof electrons (negatively charged particles) within iron atoms. TheEarth's core, however, is hotter than 1043 K, the Curie pointtemperature at which the orientations of electron orbits within ironbecome randomized. Such randomization tends to cause the substance tolose its magnetic field. Therefore the Earth's magnetic field is causednot by magnetised iron deposits, but mostly by electric currents in theliquid outer core.

Another feature that distinguishes the Earth magnetically froma bar magnet is its magnetosphere. At large distances from the planet,this dominates the surface magnetic field. Electric currents induced inthe ionosphere also generate magnetic fields. Such a field is alwaysgenerated near where the atmosphere is closest to the Sun, causingdaily alterations which can deflect surface magnetic fields by as muchas one degree.

Magnetic field variations

The strength of the field at the Earth's surface ranges fromless than 30 microteslas (0.3 gauss) in an area including most of SouthAmerica and South Africa to over 60 microteslas (0.6 gauss) around themagnetic poles in northern Canada and south of Australia, and in partof Siberia.

Magnetometers detect minute deviations in the Earth's magneticfield caused by iron artifacts, kilns, some types of stone structures,and even ditches and middens in geophysical survey. Using the magneticinstruments adapted from airborne devices developed during World War IIto detect submarines, the magnetic variations across the ocean floorhave been mapped. The basalt - the iron-rich, volcanic rock making upthe ocean floor - contains a strongly magnetic mineral (magnetite) andcan locally distort compass readings. The distortion was recognized byIcelandic mariners as early as the late 18th century. More important,because the presence of magnetite gives the basalt measurable magneticproperties, these magnetic variations have provided another means tostudy the deep ocean floor. When newly formed rock cools, such magneticmaterials record the Earth's magnetic field.

In October 2003, the Earth's magnetosphere was hit by a solarflare causing a brief but intense geomagnetic storm, provoking unusualdisplays of aurorae.

Geomagnetic Reversal- Pole Shifts

A geomagnetic reversal is a change in the orientation of Earth's magnetic field such that the positions of magnetic north and magnetic south become interchanged. These events, which typically last a few hundred to a few thousands years, often involve an extended decline in field strength followed by a rapid recovery after the new orientation has been established.

Over very long periods, geomagnetic reversals seems to have occurred with a frequency of 1 to 5 events per million years; however, this duration is highly variable. During some periods of geologic time (e.g. Cretaceous long normal), the Earth's magnetic field is observed to maintain a single orientation for tens of millions of years. Other events seem to have occurred very rapidly, with more than one reversal in 50,000 years. The last reversal was the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal approximately 780,000 years ago.

Based upon the study of lava formations in Hawaii, it has beendeduced that the Earth's magnetic field reverses at intervals, rangingfrom tens of thousands to many millions of years, with an averageinterval of approximately 250,000 years. The last such event, calledthe Brunhes-Matuyama reversal, occurred some 780,000 years ago.

The mechanism responsible for geomagnetic reversals is not wellunderstood. Some scientists have produced models for the core of theEarth wherein the magnetic field is only quasi-stable and the poles canspontaneously migrate from one orientation to the other over the courseof a few hundred to a few thousand years. Other scientists propose thatthe geodynamo first turns itself off, either spontaneously or throughsome external action like a comet impact, and then restarts itself withthe magnetic "North" pole pointing either North or South. Externalevents are not likely to be routine causes of magnetic field reversalsdue to the lack of a correlation between the age of impact craters andthe timing of reversals. Regardless of the cause, when magnetic "North"reappears in the opposite direction this is a reversal, whereas turningoff and returning in the same direction is called a geomagneticexcursion.

Using a magnetic detector (a variant of a compass), scientistshave measured the historical direction of the Earth's magnetic field,by studying the layered iron-rich lava rocks. This is possible as eachlayer has been found to maintain the original magnetic field at itstime of cooling. They have found that the poles have shifted a numberof times throughout the past.

Magnetic Field Decay

The earth's magnetic field strength was measured by CarlFriedrich Gauss in 1835 and has been repeatedly measured since then,showing an exponential decay with a half-life of about 1400 years. Thiscould also be stated as a relative decay of about 10% to 15% over thelast 150 years.

Magnetic Field Electro generators

Some free-energy enthusiasts claim that the Earth's magneticfield could be used to generate power[4], but such claims are regardedas pseudoscience by many skeptics. Many designs for using the Earth'selectromagnetic field and atmospheric electricity have been researched,but have failed to gain any widespread acknowledgement in thescientific community. There is also some energy stored in the form ofseparated electrical charges, which can provide low direct currents athigh voltages. However, ordinary electric motors cannot use this energydirectly as a prime mover. Benjamin Franklin developed several motorsthat used the Earth's fields. Oleg D. Jefimenko has researched severalmachine designs for tapping the Earth's electromagnetic field.

The Earth's magnetic field can be used as the starting fieldfor a self-excited electric generator. Cromwell Varley discovered in1867 that an electric generator did not need to be started with aconventional prime mover. He used the Earth's magnetic field to induceenough field strength in the stator windings to get a generatorrunning.

Electrodynamic tethers can induce a current by moving through theplanet's magnetic field. When the conductive tether is trailed in aplanetary or solar magnetosphere (magnetic field), the tether cuts thefield, generates a current, and thereby slows the spacecraft into alower orbit. The tether's end can be left bare, and this is sufficientto make contact with the ionosphere and allow a current to flow througha phantom loop. A cathode tube may also be placed at the end of thetether. The cathode tube will interact with the planet's magnetic fieldin the vacuum of space. A double-ended cathode tube tether will allowalternating currents.